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Special menu for Valentine's Day

Þ21 Januar 2025, 12:26
+1 º
св. Валентин Ресторант Амая

Love passes through the stomach - and we serve it with taste and melody! ❤️🎷

This Valentine's Day, we invite you to enjoy special dishes inspired by love and the art of cooking?

Our romantic offerings will tempt you with:

🍴 Salad and appetizer that whet the appetite - fresh, tender and full of flavor.
🍴 Main courses that will make you fall in love all over again - the perfect combination of taste and grace.
🍴 Dessert that whispers "I love you" - a sophisticated end to your evening.

✨ Musical surprise.
💡 Choose only what captivates you - each dish is available for individual order.

Make your evening special with a unique taste, atmosphere and music created with love.

📅 Valentine's Day is once a year - don't miss out on making it unforgettable!
📍 Book your table now: +359 893 585819

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